Addressing the Cybersecurity Skills Crisis
December 19, 2024
min read
Protecting your company’s network against ever-evolving threats is a priority. Still, the ongoing cybersecurity skills crisis presents challenges beyond staying ahead of threat actors and malware.
Is your company among the majority with open cybersecurity positions? Do you worry about whether your defenses are adequate to stop an attack. Chances are, both answers are "yes." Here's why you're having problems filling security roles and what you can do about it.
Uncovering the Reasons for the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage
Businesses are facing a cybersecurity skills crisis due to a convergence of multiple factors, any one of which is an issue on its own. Together, they result in weak security that puts companies at risk of devastating breaches, privacy violations, financial losses, and more.
Unrealistic Employer Demands
All employers want the best of the best on their teams, but that often translates into excessive and unrealistic demands in terms of education, certifications, and experience. Qualified applicants may not apply, or companies turn them down because they don’t check all the boxes despite having the skills to do the work.
Outdated Skills
Cybersecurity requires ongoing skills development, but many workers aren’t pursuing the ongoing cybersecurity training they need to keep up with the changing landscape. This often results from being overworked and lacking the time to take classes.
Burnout is a genuine concern in cybersecurity. The constant pressure and long hours, attributable at least partially to the cybersecurity skills crisis, push many talented individuals out of the industry and into less taxing fields.
So many companies hire talent and create large security teams, making competition for top talent fierce. There aren’t enough people to fill every open position.
What Can Companies Do To Manage the Crisis?
For many companies, the solution to the skills shortage is a collection of disjointed and convoluted security solutions, which are cumbersome to manage. Not only is there a greater possibility of a successful attack on these companies, but their teams waste time dealing with false positives and other inefficiencies.
With that in mind, you can address the skills shortage and keep your company secure with a few adjustments to hiring policies and security management.
Implement Automation and AI
Integrating AI-powered security solutions can automate threat responses and free your teams’ time to work on other priorities.
Provide Internal Skills Development
Instead of searching for a unicorn with a long list of qualifications, choose new employees from a pool of talented individuals willing and able to learn and provide the training and education support they need to get up to speed. Increase outreach to underrepresented communities to find and foster new talent.
Support Your Existing Team Members
The cybersecurity skills crisis makes it easy for people to leave your company for new opportunities. To prevent burnout and employee satisfaction, prioritize outsourcing and automating tasks when possible. In addition, consider job rotation to support skills development.
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